Design & Build Contracts
Vertical Access has a long history of involvement in Design and Build Projects for a wide variety of Clients across several sectors

Vertical Access has a long history of involvement in Design and Build Projects for a wide variety of Clients. This has included D&B contracts for Universities, Facility Managers, Tier 1 Rail Contractors, Utility Companies, Housing Associations, Premier League Football Clubs, Major Civils Contractors, Insurance Companies, Building Developers, Private Clients & Industrial Companies.
Our breadth of delivery of Design & Build contracts includes, Infrastructure, Utilities, Housing, Local Government, Rail, Highways, Commercial, Industrial, Civils & Structural Engineering, Entertainment & Sports Venues.
Success in project delivery is often based on how early and in what form a Design & Build contractor can be brought into the team to work with the client and other stakeholders. This can help to define the scope of the works, identify technical & access constraints, potential problems and provide guidance on possible solutions. Our technical expertise and experience, combined with a comprehensive understanding of work at height access systems, provides a client who is prepared to utilise the benefits of early engagement with a significant reduction in the risks associated with the project, whilst delivering cost, safety and programme advantages.
To identify & clarify the opportunities for innovation that the design and building of a complex project provides is a challenge that Vertical Access undertakes through a number of key pathways including feasibility studies, technical reviews and buildability assessments. These provide the basis for the designers to refine the design engineering to integrate with the construction process. Examples of this are most apparent in the choice of suitable plant that can function within the site and choice of work equipment that will most successfully deliver the specific tasks.
The company has undertaken feasibility studies on tunnel and shaft stabilisation grouting and anchoring, roof & steelwork coatings for complex and difficult access structures, stadium siphonic rainwater systems, retaining walls, slope stabilisation schemes, access cradles & platforms.
A key to the design and delivery of any geotechnical and civils project can be the extent and targeting of the ground investigation. Vertical Access undertakes certain types of ground investigation itself or appoints specialist contractors to carry out the required investigations. Interpreting and interrogating the results is a joint activity between the designer and Vertical Access who applies its experience to this complex and critical element of design development.
Trial anchor drilling and testing is critical to the design of geotechnical and stabilisation works, without these parameters the assumptions that a design may be based on cannot be tested in the real world. Our experience is that missing out this stage is a significant commercial and contractual risk that the company seeks to avoid in all its geotechnical & relevant structural contracts.
The company has developed long standing and close relationships with a number of leading civil, structural and specialist design engineers including Coffey Geotechnics, JBA Consulting, Ayesa [ formerly Byrne Looby ] & Platipus Anchors Ltd.
These companies and others are contracted by Vertical Access to undertake the design of the projects the company carries out for its clients. These contracts are controlled by the company’s design procedure and can include specific Indemnified Designs which are covered by an insurance policy.
The nature of the relationship & interaction between the designer/s and the contractor are the bond that brings a project team together in both a Design & Build and Build Only contracts. Vertical Access excels at this aspect of project dynamics and is able to work in teams that deliver large scale projects where we are contracted to deliver a part of the works for major contractors such as BAM, Kier, Murphy, Lendlease and Infrastructure managers Network Rail, National Highways & United Utilities.
This is a crucial aspect of many contracts that Vertical Access undertakes and we have the capability to identify and analyse the requirements for temporary works design. These include suspension & restraint systems, plant operation pads, temporary supports, proximity to exposed edges and many other aspects of the works the company undertakes.
The analysis & design of temporary works is undertaken in conjunction with our approved designers and is normally subject to review and signing off by the client’s engineer. Knowledge and experience are the essential ingredients in assessing the specific needs for Temporary works and how to risk assess and deliver safe and effective solutions, this is undertaken by our project teams and Temporary Works Co-ordinator. All of this activity is guided by our Temporary Works procedure and where applicable our clients’ systems.
One of the most frequently used Temporary Work systems are catch fences at the base of slopes. Vertical Access has developed a suite of bespoke designs that provide safe work areas and separate operations from infrastructure, other site users or the public. The lifting, lowering and positioning of plant & materials are another part of a project that can involve the design and installation of temporary works systems. Examples of this can be read about in the case studies below.
The company has qualified TW Supervisors who are closely involved in installation and removal process and undertake the required periodic inspections of Temporary Works on our sites.
Work at Height is at the core of most of our contracts and in the majority of projects the systems that will be required are standard solutions such as industrial rope access, mobile platforms, scaffolding, BMU’s & cradles. However, at the core of our WAH operations is a knowledge of analysis and conceptual design of X-beam platforms, innovative anchor & suspension systems, and suspended work containment pods. Structural design checks are passed over to third-party engineers for their independent assessment and checks.
As part of this process, the systems can be validated through the use of depot-based trials of X-beam platform systems, containment pods and other system operational checks. This has significant advantages where we can highlight and resolve any design, construction installation limitations and develop safe operational procedures in a minimum-risk environment, it also allows personnel to be trained in these innovative techniques and equipment. Examples of this can be read about in the case studies below.
You can also read more about our Access Capabilities here
At the core of any project management system is the planning stage, this is where collaboration between the parties pays dividends. Identifying the contract objectives, milestones, design & working constraints, key skills, design risk assessments, programme & budget is the framework upon which the success of the project relies.
Innovation and agility are the building blocks for this phase, these are at the heart of the approach the company has to organising, collating and prioritising the many aspects of a project. The development and agreement on the programme & resource allocation and optimisation are a requirement of most construction projects. Utilising systems that can build in flexibility & adaptability to accommodate change is essential to provide a ‘real life’ view of how the work could progress to completion.
The development of a customised project Data Management App has been at the centre of our step change in planning capability which has been aligned with the adoption of more complex software such as Primavera P6 and the use of delivery trackers has improved the quality of prediction and tracking of outcomes.
Any design has to work within the parameters set by Regulations and Standards. Without this the design is non-compliant and puts all parties in conflict with the legal framework that underpins the basis of construction. Vertical Access uses designers who have a thorough knowledge and understanding of applicable compliance requirements and their interpretation. In order to assist in the process, the company has a long-term contract with a specialist safety consultancy that can advise on the many aspects of legislation & standards that apply to our works in such diverse sectors.
Vertical Access has undertaken the following duties of contract delivery roles set out in the Construction [ Design & Management ] Regulations 2015.
• Principal Contractor – delivering projects in accordance with the regulations and appointing & co-ordinating our approved sub-contractors on a number of sites including Geotechnical, Coatings and Housing Projects. For design & build contracts this includes appointing and working with our designers. Examples of this can be read about in the case studies below.
• Contractor – for many of our contracts we are appointed as the Contractor and have very extensive knowledge of fulfilling this role and delivering projects in accordance with the regulations. Examples of this can be read about in the case studies below.
• Sub-Contractor – the company has extensive experience in working for main contractors as part of a large project team. This includes where we are appointed as a Specialist Sub-Contractor on specific sectors such as Rail. The company operates as a Tier 2 rail contractor under the auspices of a Tier 1 contractor or directly contracted by Network Rail. The duties are very similar to those carried out as a Contractor but with the added assurance that certain aspects of working in these types of complex environments are managed by a Tier 1 company or the infrastructure manager. Examples of this can be read about in the case studies below.
• Construction Phase Plans – utilising our company CPP format we can provide the breadth and quality of information required at the planning stage for submission to the client & Principal Designer.
• Risk Assessments & Method Statements – the key stage in any project and we focus on producing these for all of our contracts and not relying on the generic product that so often fails to address the specific characteristics of a site or contracted works.
• Inspection & Test Plans – a key method of quality control and verification of the works being undertaken, the company develops contract-specific ITP’s and uses our Digital Management App to complete these and provide links to other parties who have roles and responsibilities within the project team.
• Health & Safety Files = using our digital management system we can collect & record most of the information needed for the H&S file and this allows rapid collating and production of the report that is a fundamental part of the CDM process.
An essential element of any construction project is that there is a formal contract between the parties. The company’s understanding of the intricacies of each type of contract [ such as NEC, JCT or CECA ] has been greatly enhanced by the engagement of the specialist advisors Q- Consult and Bowden Consulting Ltd. We review any bespoke or amended standard contracts with their input and can work with clients to mutually agree a contract that protects and benefits all parties.
Keeping control of the many aspects of the construction project and ensuring that co-operation and co-ordination is maintained is vital for the delivery of any Vertical Access project. Our project and site management teams have the advantage of the VA Digital Management App that is customised to address the specific requirements of each project. This system allows live progress reports to be fed directly from the site technicians to managers, clients, principal contractors & designers who can have active links to the specific data. This allows the monitoring of progress, technical issues and changes in ground conditions in real-time, therefore providing the opportunity to develop solutions in the shortest timescale possible.
The adoption of project set up & progress meetings using Microsoft Teams or Zoom has been a welcome consequence of the COVID-19 Pandemic and has allowed much more efficient and effective planning, management & delivery. This has provided the company with the opportunity to take on larger contracts in a wider variety of sectors.
The centre of the company is the diversity in skills and trades that we can offer as part of our operations. Our commitment to training and mentoring is critical to the prosperity of the company and is one of our biggest investments and underpins the ability to work in a variety of sectors and carry out a wide range of work tasks.
We utilise both in-house and external training providers to fulfill the biggest challenge in the construction sector, which is to develop skills in all of our personnel. Apprenticeships form part of this programme alongside links with local colleges.
The company operates in-house mentoring schemes for rope access, arboriculture, drilling and other key skill sets.
The approach the company takes to its construction, maintenance and repair contracts is to look for the right decisions that provide clients with the financial outcome they are expecting combined with the focus on meeting or improving on the quality standards that are essential to the project.
These are the values that reflect the companies character:
• Safety
• Quality
• Innovation
• Agility
Bringing these together in a form that works for the client is our fundamental purpose and the route we take to build long term relationships with so many of our partners in so many projects over the last 35 years.