Heathrow Airport Control Tower

The Challenge
The 87m tall tower incorporates the results of intensive research into the technical requirements of the brief – this is a 24 hour a day, seven days a week facility – and into the potential for a structure that could be pre-assembled and erected on site in a short time, without disrupting the operations of the airport. The aim was equally to create an elegant and memorable building that would be a symbol of the ongoing development of Heathrow without dominating the skyline, as air traffic control demands unobstructed views of the airport and its approaches.
The tower provides a clear 360 degree cone of vision using tapered glass panels engineered to counter condensation and glare, and to ensure comfortable working conditions for controllers. A mass of technical equipment is accommodated at the base of the tower in a ring of space around a central daylit atrium. Located close to Terminal 3, the tower is constructed from 12 m lengths of mast, triangular in section, which provide the necessary aerodynamic profile for the shaft, which houses lifts, stairs and services risers. The whole assembly was ‘jacked up’ from the base, with the operations room (or ‘cab’) entirely pre-assembled on landside areas of the airport, and then transported at night across the runways to its final location on top of the tower.
The Vertical Approach: Safety, Quality, Innovation & Agility
The project was a complex industrial painting project which involved working alongside Morgan Sindall, who provided efficient and safe access to the base of the worksite. Vertical Access Ltd were tasked with carrying out paint repairs to areas of corrosion and applying topcoats as part of the structure’s maintenance. Due to the location of the structure being in the centre of a very active airport key factors needed to be considered some of which are listed below:
With the overall tower height of 87m and the access not being straightforward, ropes were pre-rigged to allow quick and safe access. Ropes had to be rigged for rescue and rescue cover was on hand at all times. Harken PowerSeat ascenders were used to reduce fatigue and minimise access time. The Harken powered ascenders were used for hauling the FOD POD’s into position for each shift.
A maximum wind speed had to be set for the works. The weather conditions had to be monitored throughout the day to allow the maximum safe working window to be utilised.
Sherwin Williams industrial coatings where chosen for the contract as they provided high quality products that met the engineer’s design requirements The project was supported by their technical team who were able to assist in the development of application systems that suited the complex working environment of the airport and limitations on working windows
• Mechanical preparation of steel work using bristle blasters & needle guns to BS ENISO 8501-1 Preparation Grade MA/St3.
• Application of Sherwin Williams paints Macropoxy M922M & Acrolon C137V2.
• Quality control through a digital repair reporting system and independent paint inspections.
Our personnel were trained in the application methods through the ICATS Applicator Training Scheme.
Complex Access Systems assessment including temporary-works design and manufacture of work 'FOD PODS' suspended work habitats which would help control moisture levels.
The use of Harken PowerSeat Ascenders for Rope Access personnel and hoisting was also incorporated into the project.
Due the airport remaining fully open during these works it was not possible to have a sufficiently large exclusion zone which would prevent paint dust reaching planes, vehicles etc. Our team designed and fabricated a containment system named the 'FOD POD'. which allowed operatives to work inside whilst containing dust and paint.
The contract required the works to be undertaken without any interference in the safe operation of the air traffic control system and only allowed for access through very limited hatches in the control room soffit.
Outcome & Feedback
The works delivered an exceptional outcome for the airport without any impact on the operation of the Air Traffic Control Service.